This photograph (© copyright Philip Holland) shows Knightwick (painted by Reginald Looker who lived at Banners Brook. He died in 1974 aged 68 and was buried at Knightwick Chapel). He did several paintings of Knightwick and this is one that was done for me. The cottage next door to the Post Office, (where I was born) was inhabited by the Morris family including Ted Morris and the double dwelling to the left showing a green door was where his brother Alan Morris lived with his wife Elsie MayMorris and their son Trevor Morris. To the left of Alan's house is the phone box which does not exist today and had been replaced by a post box. Also the new farm cottages on the far left had not been built long before this painting was started. The Nurses house can be seen above the Post Office and also to the left of Knightwick church is the old Knightwick School and Alms Houses. The Post Office looks very different today and the blue wash and blue painted windows are how I remember my years there. Dad's greenhouse stands prominent in what was once a beautiful garden with flowers everywhere and vegetable produce on the far side of a long double line of raspberries. Along that side were many sheds housing at one time 200 or more chickens and at the top of the garden the pig stys' housing three sows and very often up to 45 piglets!. The orchard that the pigs lived in was full of damson trees and every year we all earned money picking them. Mum was the Post Master having followed her father John William Jones into this position and Dad kept the market garden with all the produce you could wish for plus holding a Postman's job and working for a local builder. The cottage next door to the Post Office was demolished and Henry Walker had a house/bungalow built on this spot. Ted Morris married and moved to a very similar cottage opposite the Church. This to has been demolished and two houses now stand where they once lived. Beyond can be seen the road taking you up towards the top of Ankerdine hill. The cattle in the front are Herefords and David Walker from the Manor still has one of the longest pedigree. Autobiography

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