Farewell To This Next Year?

 This picture of the existing Knightsford Bridge shows the build-up of debris against the centre pier even under dry weather

conditions and how the bridge is located at a sharp bend in the river, which is suffering erosion.


Work on the new Knightsford bridge over the River Teme between Worcester and Bromyard is already well in hand and it is hoped that it will be completed during the Summer of next year.


Because the scheme is in the interests of main road traffic, the Ministry of Transport is to pay 75 per cent of the total cost of £107,000, which includes the demolition of the existing bridge, now unsafe for traffic over seven tons.


The design of the new bridge, situated some 300 yards down-stream from the old structure, has been approved by the Royal Fine Arts Commission. It was designed entirely in the office of the County Surveyor, Mr. W. R. Thomson, M.I.C.E., M.I. Mun. E.



The condition of the existing bridge has been deteriorating for many years. The loads of traffic using it have had to be restricted to seven tons and the structure has only been kept safe by rather unusual engineering expedients.


Because of the load restrictions a considerable volume of heavy traffic, has to be diverted for a considerable distance along other roads, which are not designed to carry it.

Progress On £107,000

Knightsford Bridge Scheme


The bridge is of three-span cantilever type of reinforced concrete structure, supported on a brick-faced concrete structure abutment and piers, which in turn will rest on reinforced concrete piles.


The level of the new road and bridge has been kept high enough to master all known floods. This involves the construction of an embankment, which varies from 11ft. to 2ft. in height along the whole length.


A contract was entered into a few months ago with Messrs. Higgs and Hill Ltd., of London in the sum of £107,000, which includes the demotion of the old bridge when the new structure is opened to traffic.


Before the existing bridge can be demolished and replaced with a footbridge, certain legal steps have to be initiated in order that any aggrieved parties may exercise a right of objection. In view of the state of the existing bridge, the maintenance costs of which will have to be met entirely out of the county rates when the new bridge is completed, the County Council are hoping that no serious objections will be made to the demolition proposal, especially as it is intended to provide a footbridge for local convenience.



Above taken from an article in the local newspaper circa 1957

The old bridge has reached a stage, which will necessitate considerable expenditure if it is to be kept fit for any kind of public use.


It was admitted as a county bridge in 1852 and rebuilt by the county in 1858 and again in 1884. The centre pier was strengthened in 1940.


The bridge consists of two spans of 45ft. 6ins. And is 21ft. wide between parapets. The superstructure consists of wrought iron lattice girders, which are now being badly corroded.


The existing bridge represents a serious obstruction to the flow of the Teme, especially at flood times, partly because it has an acute skew to the main flow and more particularly because the centre pier causes debris to build up extremely rapidly and it is very difficult to dislodge under flood conditions.


Both the County Council and the River board are anxious to demolish the existing bridge superstructure and centre pier when the new bridge is available

And to substitute for it a single span footbridge principally for the convenience of local pedestrians.


The new bridge is being built some 300 yards downstream – a site chosen in the interests of traffic, to give better flood flow and to bypass portions of the road liable to flooding.


Including the new bridge itself a length of carriageway, 24ft. wide, is to be built extending over about 720 yards. The overall width of the new road will be 42ft. between fences. This road will be much shorter then the length of the present Worcester-Bromyard Class I road, which it will replace. Traffic from the Class II road down Ankerdine Hill, wishing to cross the river will be obliged to travel a further 410 yards than at present. The scheme is designed in the interest of traffic using the major road.


The new bridge consists of three spans. There will be a centre span of 90ft. and two side spans of 50ft. To furnish relief for floodwater, six further spans, totaling 120ft., will be provided in an approach embankment to the bridge.

The new Knightsford Bridge was opened in 1958. I was 9 years old and remember all the work that went on. One of our old Post men used to be the night watchman and I used to go down to see him and watch him fishing for eels. He always caught some and he was being paid for the honour as well ! Shortly after this, work started on removing the old bridge and replacing it with the foot bridge that is still there today.

It was the downfall of the shop that my parents had kept and so all that was left was the Post Office. Mum who was Postmaster there still kept a few things for those who forgot their sugar etc. after they had shopped in Bromyard or Worcester!



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